Blueprint Planning brings personalised attention to problem solving and achieving development outcomes. Our reputation and success has come about because we know the extensive statutory and administrative approval processes of councils and government. This gives us unique insight to offer for the benefit of our clients. We consider this to be our competitive advantage.
Our ready human resources and corporate knowledge of the development industry allow us to respond quickly to client needs.
Blueprint Planning was established in 2003 by James Laycock. James has a bachelors degree in Urban & Regional Planning from the University of New England, a masters degree in Business Administration from Charles Sturt University, is a member of the Planning Institute of Australia, and has achieved Certified Practicing Planner accreditation.
Blueprint Planning has achieved certification of its business operations under AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 Quality management systems - Requirements, and is a member of the Planning Institute of Australia and its Consultant Planners’ Group.
Blueprint Planning is committed to continuous improvement and professional development, and this commitment underpins our Core Values:
Our success is measured by the success of our clients. We are committed to our clients and to setting industry standards for client service and solutions. We are passionate about solving our client’s problems.
Employees & advisors
Our employees and advisors are our most valuable and valued resource; they make our success possible.
We strive to achieve excellence in all areas of our business – technical, operational, and administrative. We are a "can do" organisation and continually strive for excellence.
We look for creative, new, or better ways to provide our expertise in all dimensions of our business. Creativity, exploration and imagination are the keys to our approach to work.
We embrace change, flexibility and adaptation in a rapidly changing built world with increasing regulation. We strive to anticipate change in the regulatory environment, and to work with our clients, employees, and advisors to adapt to those changes.
Good Corporate Citizen
We are community minded and look to add value at every opportunity through Good Corporate Citizenship.
Competitive advantage
We differentiate ourselves through continuous improvement, innovation, and customer focus.
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